Nathan Mondry
From the East (Mondry)
Nathan Mondry: Finale from cantata The Judgement of Solomon
Violin I & II - Félix Verry, Anna Liza Rogers
Viola da Gamba I and II - Alejandro Gómez Lozano, Giulio Tanasini
Violone - Nicholas Kleinman
Soprano - Margarita Slepakova
Alto - Tessa Roos
Tenor - Luca Gotti
Bass - Vahé Matteos Hakhverdian
Organ - Alexander Paine
Assistant Conductor - Weronika Kłosiewicz
Harpsichord/Leitung - Nathan Mondry
Live recording from Improvisation Masters Recital
June 18, 2019
Kartäuserkirche in Basel, CH
From the east unto the west,
Who so wise as Solomon?
Who like Israel's king is bless'd,
Who so worthy of a throne.